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- Banaie Boroujeni K, Womelsdorf T (2023) Routing States Transition During Oscillatory Bursts and Attention States. Neuron 111(18), 2929-2944. doi:
- Hassani SA & Womelsdorf T (2023) Noradrenergic alpha-2A Receptor Stimulation Enhances Prediction Error Signaling in Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Striatum. bioRxiv.
- Watson M, Traczewski N, Dunghana S, Banaie Boroujeni K, Neumann A, Wen X, Womelsdorf T (2023) A multi-task platform for profiling cognitive and motivational constructs in humans and nonhuman primates. 1-48; bioRxiv;
- Hassani SA, Neumann A, Russell J, Jones CK, Womelsdorf T (2023) M1 selective muscarinic allosteric modulation enhances cognitive flexibility and effective salience in nonhuman primates. PNAS,
- Sigona MK, Manuel TJ, Phipps MA, Banaie Boroujeni K, Treuting RL, Womelsdorf T, Caskey CF (2023) Generating Patient-Specific Acoustic Simulations for Transcranial Focused Ultrasound Procedures based on Optical Tracking Information. IEEE Open Journal of Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. in press.
- Hassani SA, Lendor S, Neumann A, Sinha Roy K, Banaie Boroujeni K, Hoffman K, Pawliszyn J, Womelsdorf T (2023). Dose-dependent dissociation of pro-cognitive effects of donepezil on attention and cognitive flexibility in rhesus monkeys. Biological Psychiatry GOS. 3(1), p.68-77
- Banaie Boroujeni K, Sigona MK, Treuting RL, Manuel, TJ, Caskey CF, Womelsdorf T (2022) The anterior cingulate cortex causally supports flexible learning under motivationally challenging and cognitively demanding conditions. PLoS Biology. doi:
- Banaie Boroujeni K, Watson MR, Womelsdorf T (2022) Gains and Losses Differentially Regulate Learning at Low and High Attentional Load. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 34 (10): 1952–1971.
- Womelsdorf T, Watson MR, Tiesinga P (2022) Learning at variable attentional load requires cooperation between working memory, meta-learning and attention-augmented reinforcement learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 34(1) 79-107.
- Banaie Boroujeni K, Tiesinga P, Womelsdorf T (2021) Interneuron Specific Gamma Synchronization Indexes Cue Uncertainty and Prediction Errors in Lateral Prefrontal and Anterior Cingulate Cortex. eLife (doi: 10.7554/eLife.69111).
- Womelsdorf T, Thomas C, Neumann A, Watson MR, Banaie Boroujeni K, Hassani SA, Parker J, Hoffman KL (2021) A Kiosk Station for the Assessment of Multiple Cognitive Domains and Cognitive Enrichment of Monkeys. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. (
- Alexander, WH, Womelsdorf, T (2021) Interactions of medial and lateral prefrontal cortex in hierarchical predictive coding. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.
- Womelsdorf T (2021) Translating Expectation into Visual Selection through a Beta Synchronous Fronto-Parietal Neural Subnetwork. Neuron. 109(1), 8-10.
- Voloh B, Oemisch M, Womelsdorf T (2020) Phase of Firing Coding of Learning Variables across the Fronto-Striatal Network during Feature Learning. Nature Communications. 11:4669, 1-16.
- Banaie Boroujeni K, Oemisch M, Hassani SA, Womelsdorf T (2020) Fast Spiking Interneuron Activity in Primate Striatum Tracks Learning of Attention Cues. PNAS, Proceedings National Academy of Science, USA. 117(30), 18049-58.
- Javitt DC, Siegel S, Spencer K, Uhlhaas P, Mathalon D, Hong E, Martinez A, Ehlers C, Abbas AI, Teichert T, Lakatos P, Womelsdorf T (2020) A Roadmap for Development of Neuro-Oscillations as Translational Biomarkers in Neuropsychopharmacology. Neuropsychopharmacology . (in press).
- Onorato I, Neuenschwander S, Lima B, Rocha KS, Broggini AC, Uran C, Spyropoulos G, Womelsdorf T, Fries P, Niell C, Singer W, Vinck M (2020) A distinct class of bursting neurons with strong gamma synchronization and stimulus selectivity in monkey V1. Neuron. (in press).
- Voloh B, Watson MR, König S, Womelsdorf T (2020) MAD saccade: statistically robust saccade threshold estimation via the median absolute deviation. Journal of Eye Movement Research. 12(8):3.
- Banaie Boroujeni K, Tiesinga P, Womelsdorf T (2020) Adaptive spike-artifact removal from local field potentials uncovers prominent beta and gamma band neuronal synchronization. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. (
- Azimi M, Oemisch M, Womelsdorf T (2019) Dissociation of Nicotinic alpha-7 and alpha-4/beta2 Sub-receptor Agonists for Enhancing Learning and Attentional Filtering in Nonhuman Primates. Psychopharmacology.. 237, 997–1010.
- Hassani SA, Lendor S, Boyaci E, Pawliszyn J, Womelsdorf T (2019) Multi-Neuromodulator Measurements across Fronto-Striatal Network Areas of the Behaving Macaque using Solid-Phase Microextraction. Journal of Neurophysiology. (in press). doi:
- Watson M, Voloh B, Thomas C, Hasan A & Womelsdorf T (2019) USE: An integrative suite for temporally-precise psychophysical experiments in virtual environments in human, nonhuman and artificially intelligent agents. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 326:108374. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2019.108374.
- Oemisch M, Westendorff S, Azimi M, Hassani SA, Ardid S, Tiesinga P, Womelsdorf T (2019) Feature Specific Prediction Errors and Surprise across Macaque Fronto-Striatal Circuits. Nature Communications. 10(1), 176.
- Lendor S, Hassani SA, Boyaci E, Singh V, Womelsdorf T, Pawliszyn J (2019) Development of solid phase microextraction-based miniaturized probe and protocol for extraction of neurotransmitters from brain in vivo. Analytical Chemistry. 91 (7), 4896-4905. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b00995.
- Womelsdorf T (2019) Neocortical Cell Classification: Essential Contributions from Electrophysiology. Current Biology. (in press).
- Nácher V, Hassani, SA, Womelsdorf T (2019) Asymmetric effective connectivity between primate anterior cingulate and lateral prefrontal cortex revealed by electrical microstimulation. Brain Structure and Function. 224 (2), 779-793. doi:10.1007/s00429-018-1806-y.
- Watson, M., Voloh, B., Naghizadeh, M., & Womelsdorf, T. (2019). Quaddles: A multidimensional 3D object set with parametrically-controlled and customizable features. Behavior Research Methods. 51:2522–2532.
- Womelsdorf T, Hoffman K (2018) Latent Connectivity: Neuronal Oscillations Can Be Leveraged for Transient Plasticity. Current Biology. 28(16):R879-R882. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2018.06.073.
- Chang M, Dian JA, Dufour S, Wang L, Moradi-Chameh H, Ramani M, Zhang L, Carlen PL, Womelsdorf T, Valiante TA (2018) Brief activation of GABAergic interneurons initiates the transition to ictal events through post-inhibitory rebound excitation. Neurobiology of Disease.
- Voloh B, Womelsdorf T (2017) Cell-type specific burst firing interacts with theta and beta activity in prefrontal cortex during attention states. Cerebral Cortex.
Hassani SA, Oemisch M, Balcarras M, Westendorff S, Ardid S, van der Meer MA, Tiesinga P, Womelsdorf T (2017) A computational psychiatry approach identifies how alpha-2A noradrenergic agonist Guanfacine affects feature-based reinforcement learning in the macaque. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/srep40606.
Babapoor-Farrokhran S, Vinck M, Womelsdorf T, Everling S (2017) Theta and beta synchrony coordinate frontal eye fields and anterior cingulate cortex during sensorimotor mapping. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/ncomms13967.
- Oemisch M, Watson MR, Womelsdorf T, Schubö A (2017) Changes of attention during value-based reversal learning are tracked by N2pc and feedback-related negativity. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 11, 540, 2017.
Westendorff S, Kaping D, Everling S, Womelsdorf T (2016) Prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex neurons encode attentional targets even when they do not apparently bias behavior.
Journal of Neurophysiology. (in press) doi:10.1152/jn.00027.2016.
Balcarras M, Ardid S, Kaping D, Everling S, Womelsdorf T (2016) Attentional selection can be predicted by reinforcement learning of task-relevant stimulus features weighted by value-independent stickiness.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 28(2):333-49.
Lewis C, Bosmann C, Womelsdorf T, Fries P (2016) Stimulus induced visual cortical networks are recapitulated by spontaneous local and inter-areal synchronization.
PNAS, Proceedings National Academy of Science, USA, (in press)
Skoblenick K, Womelsdorf T, Everling S. (2016) Ketamine alters outcome-related local field potentials in monkey prefrontal cortex.
Cerebral Cortex. 26(6):2743-52.
Voloh B, Womelsdorf T (2016) A role of phase-resetting in coordinating large scale neural oscillations during attention and goal-directed behavior.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2016.00018.
Lewis CM, Bosman CA, Brunet N, Lima B, Roberts MJ, Womelsdorf T, de Weerd P, Neuenschwander S, Singer W, Fries P (2016) Two frequency bands contain the most stimulus-related information in visual cortex.
Balcarras M, Womelsdorf T (2016) A flexible mechanism of rule selection enables rapid feature-based reinforcement learning.
Frontiers in Neuroscience doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00125.
Womelsdorf T, Everling S (2015) Long-Range Attention Networks: Circuit Motifs Underlying Endogenously Controlled Stimulus Selection.
Trends in Neurosciences. 38:11 682-700
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Oemisch M, Westendorff S, Everling S, Womelsdorf T (2015) Inter-areal spiketrain correlations of anterior cingulate and dorsal prefrontal cortex during attention shifts.
Journal of Neuroscience, 35(38):13076–13089.
Leonard TK, Mikkila J, Gerrard JL, Kaping D, Patel S, Eskandar E, Womelsdorf T, Hoffman KL (2015) Sharp wave ripples during visual exploration in the primate hippocampus.
Journal of Neuroscience. 35(44):14771-82.
link to H-lab.
Voloh B, Valiante TA, Everling S, Womelsdorf T (2015) Theta gamma coordination between anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex indexes correct attention shifts.
PNAS, Proceedings National Academy of Science, USA 112:8457-8462.
Micheli C, Kaping D, Westendorff S, Valiante TA, Womelsdorf T (2015) Inferior-frontal cortex phase synchronizes with the temporal-parietal junction prior to successful change detection.
NeuroImage. 119:417-31.
Ardid S, Vinck M, Kaping D, Marquez S, Everling S, Womelsdorf T (2015) Mapping of functionally characterized cell classes onto canonical circuit operations in primate prefrontal cortex.
Journal of Neuroscience. 35(7): 2975–2991.
Brunet, N., Bosman, C., Roberts, M., Oostenveld, R., Womelsdorf, T., de Weerd, P., Fries, P. (2015) Visual cortical gamma band activity during free viewing of natural images.
Cerebral Cortex. 25(4):918-26.
Shen C., Ardid, S., Kaping, D., Westendorff, S., Everling, S., Womelsdorf, T. (2015). Anterior cingulate cortex cells identify process-specific errors of attentional control prior to transient prefrontal-cingulate inhibition.
Cerebral Cortex. 25(8):2213-28.
Chan J., Koval M., Womelsdorf T., Lomber S., Everling S. (2015) Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Deactivation in Monkeys Reduces Preparatory Beta and Gamma Power in the Superior Colliculus. Cerebral Cortex. 25(12):4704-14.
Womelsdorf T, Ardid S, Everling S, Valiante TA (2014) Burst firing synchronizes prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex during attentional control.
Current Biology 24 (22), 2613–2621.
Womelsdorf T, Valiante TA, Sahin NT, Miller KJ, Tiesinga P (2014) Dynamic circuit motifs underlying rhythmic gain control, gating and integration.
Nature Neuroscience. 17: 1031–1039.
Lipsman N, Nakao T, Kanayama N, Krauss JK, Anderson A, Giacobbe P, Hamani C, Hutchison WD, Dostrovsky JO, Womelsdorf T, Lozano AM, Northoff G (2014). Neural overlap between resting state and self-relevant activity in human subcallosal cingulate cortex–Single unit recording in an intracranial study. Cortex. 60:139-44.
Lipsman N., Kaping D., Westendorff S., Lozano A.M., Womelsdorf T. (2014) Beta coherence within human ventromedial prefrontal cortex precedes affective value-based choices.
NeuroImage. 85(2): 769-778
Womelsdorf T., Landau A.N., Fries P. (2014) Attentional Selection through Rhythmic Synchronization at Multiple Frequencies. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences V. Editor: M. Gazzaniga. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, USA.
Phillips J, Vinck M, Everling S, Womelsdorf T (2014) A long-range fronto-parietal 5-10Hz network predicts ‘top-down’ controlled guidance in a task-switch paradigm.
Cerebral Cortex. 24(8):1996-2008.
Vinck, M., Womelsdorf, T., Buffalo, B., Desimone, R., Fries, P. (2013) Attentional modulation of cell-class specific gamma-band synchronization in awake monkey area V4.
Neuron. 80(4):1077-89
Womelsdorf, T., Westendorff, S., Ardid, S. (2013) Subnetwork selection in deep cortical layers is mediated by beta-oscillation dependent firing.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2013.00025.
Hutchison RM, Womelsdorf T, Allen, EA, Bandettini PA, Calhoun V, Corbetta M, Della Penna S, Duyn J, Glover G, Gonzalez-Castillo J, Handwerker DA, Keilholz S, Kiviniemi V, Leopold DG, de Pasquale F, Sporns O, Walter M, Chang C (2013) Dynamic functional connectivity: Promises, issues, and interpretations.
NeuroImage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.079.
Womelsdorf, T., Bosman, C.A., Fries, P. (2013) Selective Neuronal Synchronization and Attentional Stimulus Selection in Visual Cortex. Chapter 71, 1013-1030. In: The New Visual Neurosciences. Ed. J.S. Werner & L.M. Chalupa. MIT Press.
Laxton, AW, Neimat, JS, Davis, KD, Womelsdorf, T, Hutchison, WD, Dostrovsky, JO, Hamani, C, Mayberg, HS, Lozano, AM (2013) Neuronal Coding of Implicit Emotion Categories in Human Subgenual Prefrontal Cortex. Biological Psychiatry doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.03.029.
Vinck, M., Womelsdorf, T. & Fries, P. (2013) Gamma oscillations and information transmission. Chapter 23. In: Principles of Neural Coding; Eds: Quiroga, R.Q. & Panzeri, S.
Maris, E., Womelsdorf, T., Desimome, R. & Fries, P. (2013) Rhythmic neuronal synchronization in visual cortex entails spatial phase relation diversity that is modulated by stimulation and attention. Neuroimage. doi:pii: S1053-8119(13)00127-4.
Womelsdorf, T., Lima, B., Vinck, M., Neuenschwander, S., Oostenveld, R., Singer, W. & Fries, P. (2012) Orientation selectivity and noise correlation in awake monkey V1 are modulated by the gamma cycle. PNAS, Proceedings National Academy of Science, USA. 13; 109(11): 4302–4307.
Bosman, C.A., Schoffelen, J.M., Bastos, A., Oostenveld, R., Womelsdorf, T., Brunet, N., Rubehn, B., Stieglitz, T., de Weerd, P., Fries, P. (2012) Stimulus Selection through Selective Synchronization between Monkey Visual Areas. Neuron. 75, 875-888.
Hutchison, R.M. Womelsdorf, T., Gati, S.S., Menon, R.S. & Everling, S. (2012) Resting-state networks show dynamic functional connectivity in awake humans and anesthetized macaques. Human Brain Mapping doi: 10.1002/hbm.22058.
Kaping, D., Vinck, M., Hutchison, R.M., Everling, S. & Womelsdorf, T. (2011) Specific contributions of ventromedial, anterior cingulate and lateral prefrontal cortex for attentional selection and stimulus valuation.
PLoS Biology. 9(12): e1001224. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001224.
Vinck, M., Battaglia, F., Womelsdorf, T., & Pennartz, C.M.A. (2011) Improved measures of phase-coupling between spikes and the local field potential. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. doi 10.1007/s10827-011-0374-4
Womelsdorf, T. & Fries, P. (2011) Rhythmic neuronal synchronization subserves selective attentional processing. In: Characterizing Consciousness: From Cognition to the Clinic; Ed. Stanislas Dehaene and Yves Christen. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, p.109-132.
Hutchison, R.M., Womelsdorf, T., Gati, J., Leung, L.S., Menon, R.S. & Everling, S. (2011) Resting-state connectivity identifies distinct functional networks in macaque cingulate cortex. Cerebral Cortex. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhr181
Womelsdorf, T., Johnston, K., Vinck, M. & Everling, S. (2010) Theta activity in anterior cingulate cortex predicts task-rules and their adjustments following errors. PNAS, Proceedings National Academy of Science, USA. 107(11):5248-53.
Vinck, M., Lima, B., Womelsdorf, T., Oostenveld, R., Singer, W., Neuenschwander, S. & Fries, P. (2010) Gamma phase shifting in awake monkey visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(4):9471-80.
Womelsdorf, T., Vinck, M., Leung, S. & Everling, S. (2010) Selective theta synchronization of choice relevant information subserves goal-directed behavior. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 107(11): 5248-53.
Vinck, M., van Wingerden, M., Womelsdorf, T., Fries, P. & Pennartz, C.M.A. (2010) The pairwise phase consistency: A bias-free measure of rhythmic neuronal synchronization. NeuroImage. 51(1):112-22.
Bosman, C.A., Womelsdorf, T., Desimone, R., Fries, P. (2009) A microsaccadic rhythm modulates gamma-band synchronization and behavior. Journal of Neuroscience. 29(30):9471-80.
Womelsdorf, T., & Fries, P. (2009) Selective attention through selective neuronal synchronization. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences IV. Editor: M. Gazzaniga. MIT Press, Cambridge MA, USA.
Bosman, C., & Womelsdorf, T. (2008) Neuronal signatures of selective attention: Synchronization and gain modulation as mechanisms for selective sensory information processing. In: Dynamical Approaches to Brain Function: Neurobiological, Clinical and Methodological Trends. Editors: Cosmelli, D. & Aboitiz, F. Springer, Berlin, Germany.
Womelsdorf, T., Anton-Erxleben, K. & Treue, S. (2008) Receptive field shift and shrinkage in macaque area MT through attentional gain modulation. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(36): 8934-44.
Fries, P., Womelsdorf, T., Oostenveld, R. & Desimone, R. (2008) The effects of visual stimulation and selective visual attention on rhythmic neuronal synchronization in macaque area V4. Journal of Neuroscience. 28(18):4823-35.
Womelsdorf, T., Schoffelen, J.M., Oostenveld, R., Singer, W., Desimone, R. Engel, A.K. & Fries, P. (2007) Modulation of neuronal interactions through neuronal synchronization. Science. 316, 1609-1612.
Womelsdorf, T. & Fries, P. (2007) The role of neuronal synchronization in selective attention. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 17, 154-160.
Womelsdorf, T., Anton-Erxleben, K., Pieper, F. & Treue, S. (2006) Dynamic shifts of visual receptive fields in cortical area MT by spatial attention. Nature Neuroscience. 9, 1156-60.
Womelsdorf, T., Fries, P., Mitra, P.P. & Desimone, R. (2006) Gamma-band synchronization in visual cortex predicts speed of change detection. Nature. 439, 733-6.
Womelsdorf, T. & Fries, P. (2006) Neuronal coherence during selective attentional processing and sensory-motor integration. Journal of Physiology, Paris. 100, 182-193.
Tzvetanov, T., Womelsdorf, T., Niebergall, R. & Treue, S. (2006) Feature-based attention influences contextual interactions during motion repulsion. Vision Research. 46, 3651-58.
Womelsdorf, T., Eysel, U.T. & Kisvarday, Z.F. (2001) Comparison of orientation maps obtained with different number of stimulus orientations. NeuroImage. 13, 1131-1139.