Past lab members:
Dr. Veronica Nacher – Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-2017), Researcher Profile available at ResearchGate
Veronica works on questions about the mechanisms and functional roles of brain network interactions in attention and learning tasks.
BSc. cand. Alireza Tajadod (Honours Thesis, Mathematics)Â (2015-2017)
Alireza aims to identify how saccadic eye movement patterns predict to which aspects in our environment attention is deployed.
BA cand. Steven Chen (Honours Thesis, Cognitive Science)Â (2016-2017)
Steven is working on the experimental control of naturalistic 3D environments and develops machine learning approaches to understand the behaviour of humans in these 3D environments.
BA cand. Zemina Meghji
– Honours Thesis Student (2015-2016)
Zemina works on projects developing an overt behavioural marker of (covert) learning the feature relevance in an attentional task.
Dr. Stephanie Westendorff – Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-2015)
Steffi moved on to the Andreas Nieder Laboratory at the University in Tuebingen, Germany.
Steffi’s ResearchGate profile.
Dr. Salva Ardid – Research Associate and Postdoctoral Fellow (2011-14)
Salva moved on to do a postdoc with Prof. N. Kopell at Boston University (US) end of 2014.
His Researcher Profiles available is at ResearcherID and ResearchGate
PhD Matt Balcarras – Phd thesis (2011-15)
Matt moved on to Vancouver BC to become VP and Chief Scientist at ADX
Advance Directives Xtended ! -
His Researcher Profile available at ResearchGat
Matt received 2013 the best abstract award from the Cognitive Science Society for his abstract and presentation of “Balcarras, Ardid, Kaping, Everling, Womelsdorf: Reinforcement learning predicts value-driven attentional selection in a foraging task. Workshop: “Learning to Attend, Attending to Learn”, San Diego, CA.
Keshna Sood – Undergraduate Honours Thesis (2014-15)
Keshna moved on to graduate school for a MSc with a molecular focus at the University of Toronto
Keshna finished successfully an ambitious matlab analysis project for an 8 credit Honours Thesis about ‘inferring learning success and value predictions from anticipatory licking responses in a reversal learning task’.
BSc. Omar Abid – Undergrad. Research Practicum (2014)
Omar has moved on to a PhD in John Tsotsos computational laboratory of active and attentive vision at York University to embark on ambitious PhD projects !
Dr. Cristiano Micheli – Postdoctoral Fellow (2013-14)
Cristiano went on to work as Senior Research Scientist in the Neurocognitive Psychology Lab, Prof. Dr. Jochem Rieger, at the University of Oldenburg, Germany.
In the Attentional Control lab Cristiano has worked on joint projects with the Valiante lab, Epilepsy Neurosurgery Program at Toronto Western Hospital.
MSc Chen Shen , MSc Neuroscience graduate student (2011-14)
Chen now works outside academia at a prestigious insurance company in Toronto in the statistics department.
Dr. Daniel Kaping – Postdoctoral Fellow (2010-12)
Daniel moved to Sweden as Senior Research Scientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden with Prof. Marie Carlen.
Johanna Stucke – Research Assistant (2010-12)
Michelle Bale – MSc Neuroscience thesis (2009-11)
Michelle went to Medical School at Western University
Iman Janemi – MSc Neuroscience thesis (2009-11)
Iman went to Dental-Medical School at the University of Detroit