Summer Schools

There are multiple Summerschools and Workshops of superb quality run every year by leading scientists in the neurosciences and computational neurosicnes fields. Most of them are for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. An overview of Neuro Summer-Schools can be found here: List of Neuro Summer-Schools and here: SystemsNeuro Group . Here is a list of some them that are highly recommended:

for more neuroscience and computational neuroscience schools and workshops, please see the training overview from the Association of Canadian Computational Neurosciences

Coursera Courses – General interest

FieldTrip workshop at York University, Toronto.

We organized in 03-2013 a Matlab Analysis Workshop based on the Fieldtrip open source toolbox. The course aimed at introducing basic and advanced analysis of spike- and spike-LFP analysis, statistical approaches and connectivity analysis. Core features of the workshop: Experts lead lectures on individual topics. Hands-On sessions on matlab scripts allow to run tutorial data and ‘own-data‘ with help and guidance from experienced tutors. Short Project Presentations from Attendees and Tutors provide the opportunity to present and discuss applications of analysis approaches. Most of the tutorial scripts are available online at the fieldtrip website. The workshop featured lectures from three experts in spike and LFP analysis:

More then 45 graduate students, postdocs (and PI’s) from 7 Universities in Canada (and 1 from the US !), see some photos of the workshop.