NDT Components

Neural Decoding Toolbox – components

The Neural Decoding Toolbox simplifies the process of data analysis by breaking it down into subfunctions which are to be configured by the user.

Data Sources

Basic_DS Generalization_DS Feature Preprocessors

ZScore_Normalize Select_or_exclude_top_k_features_fp Select_pvalue_significant_features_fp Classifiers

For a more detailed description of the classifier’s, click here.

Max_Correlation_Coefficient Poisson_Naive_Bayes LibSVM Cross Validators

Standard Resample CV Tools

create_binned_data_from_raster_data find_sites_with_k_label_repetitions log_code_object create_pvalues_from_nulldist_files plot_standard_results_object plot_standard_results_TCT_object NDT Algorithm for Processing Data

The image below was taken from “The Neural Decoding Toolbox” (Meyers, 2013). The Components highlighted in this section are used in this manner.